Uncover Top Hidden Vehicles in GTA V 


Game description

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) is renowned for its vast open-world environment, offering players an expansive and immersive experience. Beyond the main storyline and typical gameplay, dedicated players have discovered a treasure trove of hidden gems in the form of vehicles scattered throughout Los Santos. From rare cars to elusive aircraft, these hidden vehicles add an extra layer of excitement to the game. 

In this article, we will delve into the top hidden vehicles in GTA V that only the most intrepid players have managed to uncover. 

Top 6 Hidden Vehicles in GTA V 

Space Docker 

  • The Space Docker is a truly unique vehicle, featuring an otherworldly design that sets it apart from the usual lineup of cars in GTA V. This off-road buggy is equipped with alien-inspired lights and has a distinct space-age aesthetic. To unlock this hidden gem, players must collect all 50 spaceship parts scattered across the map. Once assembled, players will be rewarded with the Space Docker, providing an out-of-this-world driving experience. 

Kraken Submarine 

  • For players fascinated by the depths of the ocean, the Kraken Submarine is the perfect hidden vehicle. To obtain this formidable submersible, players must first complete the “Wildlife Photography Challenge” by photographing all 20 different types of animals in the game. Once this challenge is conquered, the Kraken Submarine becomes available for use, allowing players to explore the mysterious underwater world of GTA V with unparalleled style. 

Dodo Seaplane 

  • Aviation enthusiasts will appreciate the thrill of the Dodo Seaplane, a hidden aircraft that can be unlocked by completing the “Sea Plane” random event. Players need to be vigilant and explore the game world, waiting for the opportunity to help a distressed pilot in need. Completing this random event rewards players with the Dodo Seaplane, offering a unique flying experience as it glides effortlessly across both land and water. 

Imponte Duke O’Death 

  • The Imponte Duke O’Death is a heavily armored muscle car that can withstand a considerable amount of damage. To acquire this hidden vehicle, players must complete the “Duel” random event, where they’ll be tasked with defeating a gang of hostile bikers. Once victorious, the Duke O’Death becomes available for use, providing a powerful and stylish addition to the player’s garage. 

Nagasaki Blazer Aqua 

  • Blurring the lines between land and sea, the Nagasaki Blazer Aqua is an amphibious ATV that offers an exhilarating riding experience. To unlock this hidden vehicle, players must complete the “Amphibious Assault” mission in the game. Once accomplished, the Blazer Aqua becomes available for purchase, allowing players to seamlessly transition between land and water with the push of a button. 

HVY Insurgent 

  • For players who enjoy a rugged and robust approach, the HVY Insurgent is a hidden military-grade vehicle that can withstand explosive attacks and provide formidable firepower. To unlock this behemoth, players must complete the Humane Labs Raid heist as the heist leader. The HVY Insurgent is then available for purchase, becoming an essential asset for those who prefer to dominate the streets of Los Santos. 


GTA V continues to captivate players with its vast and diverse world, and hidden vehicles add an extra layer of excitement to the gaming experience. From the extraterrestrial-inspired Space Docker to the formidable HVY Insurgent, these hidden gems reward players who venture off the beaten path. 

As you navigate the streets of Los Santos, keep an eye out for the unexpected, for hidden vehicles may be lurking just around the corner, waiting to be discovered by the most intrepid players. Happy hunting! 
